Friday, April 24, 2020
The following website, along with its sister websites on the net, summarizes the real true relevant facts of this existence properly for humans before c4q97 of the prophesies of nostradamus commence for all creation.
Regarding this existence.

Thursday, February 27, 2020

  1. Alyson hannigan or Sarah michelle gellar,

    if, by some miracle,, you read this, note that I cant stop the present pending destructions coming to earth if you dont contact me.
    This website writer,

    Real soon.
    In fact.

    In connection to this.

  2. Just note that.
    That's a fact.

    I'm just saying.

Friday, March 20, 2020

To the readers of this website.
A brief precursor introduction to this website is now addressed below.
Before the commencement of this website.

So the world presently faces an apparent dilemma.😮🦆🤔🧟‍♀️🐰🌊😯

By way of, ooo, shall I say what matthew 5, 17,-  20 of christianitys functions state to humanity in this life.
Regarding deuteronomy 28, verses 58- 59 shall I say?

By which factor earths authority figures defiant of what matthew 5, 17- 20 state unfortunately, basically on all counts presently on earth have informed their societies that they have decided to close down earthly human societies presently.
In plain linquistics, on that note I now say this.🐰🔮☀️🐒
To earths present silly inhabitants.

Closing down earthly societies will not make this problem go away.

Honoring truth in christ appropriately will solve this problem.
And human health officials and present authority figures along with the rest of mankind are presently not honoring christ properly.. 
In alignment to basically everything christ teaches humanity in this life.
I gave humanity very simple instructions to honor christs laws on that note.🥳😻🥳🙉🥳🙈🥳🤴😱🥶

Located in links.
In simple linquistics.
Especially in the second last post attached to this site.
{{{{{{{{{●●■☆~~~A shot in the light.}}}   ¿¿¿

Humanity from this time frame choose crazy lunacy actually and incredible corruptions galore over my simple instructions.🔮🤫🔮🤡🔮🤪🔮🥶🔮👶
How do i describe such amazing lunacy?

Or actually to appropriately use the plural form of that word ■■■ lunacies galore■■■ regarding such a silly crazy present situation on earth?

I do it appropriately here.
In 100 links.
In this website.💥💥💥

Connected to various functions of life which are actually applicable to this.

Attached below.
Closing human societies down isnt going to solve earths present dilemma.
Silly earthlings.
Evil spirits would have humans think that nonsense.
But that's not the answer to this problem humans presently face on earth..
In plain simple linquistics, 
Closing down human societies wont stop evil spirits from bringing diseases upon mortals.

Silly humans.🤯😮🤔

Honoring what jesus says in john 14, verse 15 stops evil of that magnitude from destroying humanity.

You silly crazy mortals walking earth.🤡🐵🤔🔮🤯

Every fact related to christianity verifies that obvious truth.
Connected to what jesus warns humans of in luke 4 verse 4 whole...😮
Humans never honor the truth of what matthew 24, verses 20 to 24 state.

Connected to the christian scripture that says "" love not the world or money above the sabbath day.
To work or love is good on the sabbath day.
But to operate money and place money above christ and the ten commandments is hypocrisy.
And it unnecacarily grieves the holy spirit when created beings sinfully do that.
As hebrews 10 26 to 27 warns.
Shut money off on the sabbath day.
Which is Saturday.
Show some decent respect for a simple commandment of christ.
Christs ten commandments are simple for humans to keep.
Humans simply choose evil over christs simple ten commandments.
That's obvious.

Earths human authority figures for centuries have ridiculously mocked that commandment.
By not placing implements on earthly procedures and on  technology that will not ridiculously associate money with christ on the sabbath day.🎯🎱🔮

To love money above christ to that extent that an earthling 🌈even refers to money on the seventh day of each mortal week on earth created for humans by the gods is obviously disrespectful to the teachings of christ.
And it signifies that humans do not honor christ.
This eras mortal inhabitants have ridiculously mocked that simple commandment of christ connected to matthew 19 verse 17 and james 2 verses 10 to 11 long enough.

Which is why psalm 149 verses 5 to 9 are written for humans of this era.
By the way.
I gave humanity simple instructions to save earth and honor christs simple laws.
No one listened to my simple instructions to humanity.
Though my words I have spoken to humans in this life are factual.
Every function of this existence confirms I have spoken truth factually to humans in this existence presently.

You summarize that truth.🤔people on earth today.👻
In connection to this important Christian information.

Pure and simple. 
Thank you.🌈🌈🌈and on that note I begin this websites contents.

In connection unto the following.... In true spiritual  righteousness.🌈


  1. I'm amazed at the following lunacy addressed in words here regarding present functions on earth presently likewise. And such lunacy is
    Worded in this manner.
    New york city has a population that is high.
    A large number.

    And on that note ,,percentage wise, recently I heard on a news report that one person had succumbed to the Corona virus apparently.
    If news reports on earth in New York can even be trusted.
    As isiah 5 verse 20 and Jeremiah 17 verse 5 state..

    on that note, is the news or media of the world listening to themselves?
    In that perspective?
    U mean logically?
    New york has how many people?

    And one person died?
    People pass on in this life.
    You do realize death is a part of life correct?

    You do not shut down human societies completely simply because one person died of a disease.

    It is irrational to do that even if a thousand people returned to christ in spirit and died in this existence.

    In a matter of speaking.

    Every rational fact in this life affirms that statement to be absolutely correct.
    In ALIGNMENT to logic and reason.

    Shutting down human societies so people accomplish nothing useful in this existence is obviously crazy.
    That's obviously not the answer to solving this dilemma. Of the Corona virus.
    Presently on earth.

    Keeping christs simple SIMPLE SIMPLE commandments solves THAT CRAZY problem .

    In connection to luke 4 verse 4.

    Pure and simple.

  1. This comment has been removed by the author.
  2. Delete Comment From: hermaphroditusc2q45
    Blogger hermaphroditusc2q45 said...
    Those who honor christ sincerely could float through rhinoceros shit and bubonic plaques galore and remain healthy...
    You ridiculous humans on earth today..

    And christ laws are very simple to keep.
    Connected to isiah 1, verse 13 and luke 4, verse 4 whole.
  3. For the appropriate sake of record note the following.
    You stop the procedure and operation of money flow on the sabbath day.
    In connection to the simple decency addressed in matthew 19 verse 17 of christianitys sacred scriptures.
    That honors the sabbath.
    Do not place money above the sabbath of christ.
    That "people" is a simple huge step for humans in keeping christs simple ten commandments.

    Which, intertwined into luke 4 verse 4 saves mother earth likewise.
    Foolish humans on earth.
    And then diseases will not prevail on earth.

    Where humans keep the ten simple simple commandments of jesus christ.
    Connected to 1st timothy 1 verses 10- 11 and psalm 51 verse 10 obviously.

    Pure and simple.
    Keep ten simple commandments. A very simple concept which humans refuse to do.
    When humans refuse to abide by such decency the holy ghost withdraws.
    And evil spirits move in to bring diseases upon mortals who dishonor john 14 verse 15...
    Clear and simple.

  1. In biblical times people who honored 2nd kings 17 verse 37 and the sabbath day in such a matter were safe.
    In any section on earth.
    Whereas those who did not honor christ and god this way were subject to diseases brought upon mortals by evil spirits.

    As deuteronomy 28 verses 58 to 59 connected
    to matthew 5 verses 17 to 20 warn humans in this life.
  2. So the point is this.
    Working on the sabbath to help people or be truthful is right before christ.
    If one must do so.
    But it is better to rest if possible ONNTHE sabbath. In honor of the creator in this life.
    But to work for money is hypocrisy on the part of mortals.
    Every fact in this life affirms that statement to be thoroughly right and accurate...


    Contrary to what devils say stupidly in this life.
  3. Simple answers to simple supposed problems.

    Attached to the simplicity of 1st timothy 1, verses 9 - to 10 actually.

    and psalm 51 verse ten.
    Of course.
    Located within a true pure sincere summary of proverbs 28 verse 9
    And matthew 7 verses 7 to 11.
    Be sincere in prayer and ask for what is right.
    Dont greedily ask god for money on his sabbath day for example.

    Yes of course.

    Which, through matthew 6 verse 33 leads to the functions of Roman's 4 verses 7 to 8.

  4. Closing down human societies to solve Corona virus issue is irrational.

    It is clearly foolish and not the answer to solving this dilemma humans ultimately face on earth presently.

    In fact closing down human societies is probably hypocritically worse for humans in the long run.

    Not to mention sinfully pontoon.

    A sarcastic
    Example of what I'm saying here by way of mark 8 versec35 of the holy spirits words spoken to humans through jesus IN THIS life is now forwarded in writing on that note.

    "'Oo save us from christs holy laws"" cry humans on earth presently.

    Let's hide in our devilish homes away from the decent commandments of christ!"" Shout such humans.

    I mean, come on! Give me a break.
    That's worse then what humans were previously doing.

    Before corona virus became known on earth.

    Because doing that deliberately hypocritically misrepresents the real problem for humans regarding this subject..
    Obviously it does.

    Its lacking in sincerity.
    In a way that is deceptive to christ.
    On the part of mortals.
    The answer to solving this problem is simple.
    Addressed here.

    A word of warning on that note.

    Do not be fooled by the name.
    What's in a name?
    Never judge a book by its cover.
    Read the facts addressed in this website.
    The solution to the corona virus for humans as well as the solutions to many problems humans face is obviously explained factually right in that site.

  1. Hiding in houses like cowards does not make problems like this go away.
    To humanity, keeping gods simple commandments is the answer.
    Unfortunately humans never do that.

    Humans Putting filithy money before the christian sabbath day of saturday addressed by jesus in matthew 24 verses 20 to 24 always grieves christianitys holy spirit.

    Then the HOLY GHOST withdraws from humans.
    When humans do that.

    Then evil spirits move in to bring diseases to humanity.

    Stop the flow of currency on the christian sabbath and humans diseases will be reduced.
    Keep gods decent ten commandments fully and human diseases will go away completely.

    Hiding for a while from such sin and then returning to money in earth in such a manner wont solve this problem.
    Foolish humans.

    Use simple logic.

    Pure and simple.

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