Wednesday, October 28, 2020

🙏👼🦘🐒🦩Winnie 🧟🦤🤡singing😱 crc 🤪hymns😮


Before the commencement of this specific post located upon this website

A simple precursor introduction to this specific  post attached here to this website is now FORWARDED in writing in this wise.

In  connection to 100 websites I address here,


Just for the appropriate sake of record.

Including the present website addressed here" the following information is relevant to various serious facts which apply unto this wonderful existence.

And that infi is """simply this.""

Which , translated''' simply means this:

What I logically address here.

In these websites.

With facts.
Attached ...

Obviously that's what Spock or rather Leonard Nimoy is referring to there.
In those statements.

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So the holy ghost told me my sister is a righteous ancient deity presently dwelling in human form on earth in this existence.
And she always does right before Christ .

And has the strongest time machine in existence.

Presently .

But despite that?
She can't control everything.
Because too many people are committing infinite deceptive evils with time machines right now.
That said?

In connection to my pending temporary death and then quick ressurection  aligning 2nd Esdras 7:29-32 '''of Christianity, and in connection to ,2nd Peter 3:7-17 and ragnarok and 2nd Esdras  13 of Christianity see?

I wonder if my sister knows I'm very  angry with the time travellers?

And all other time travellers and God's and goddesses presently controlling this present universe should fear my pending  forth coming temporary death.

Referred to by christianitys holy ghost in 2nd Esdras 7:29-32.
You see? Guys?

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On Sun., Aug. 25, 2024, 3:24 a.m. vinnie venus, <> wrote:

On Sun., Aug. 25, 2024, 3:22 a.m. vinnie venus, <> wrote:

Which , translated''' simply means this:

What I logically address here.

In these websites.

With facts.
Attached ...

Obviously that's what Spock or rather Leonard Nimoy is referring to there.
In those statements.

On numerous levels, regarding a vast variety of previous existences combined, including age and deity rankings ,regarding power , in connection to the spiritual functions ofc2q45 of the quatrains of Nostradamus?
Evil gods and goddesses formerly faithful to Jesus,,,

til Christ mercifully gave them the nectar and ambrosiac  functions of Christianitys tree of life referred to in Genesis 3:22'"in prior existences ,use temporary black deviant magical powers presently in this life  to presently keep the demi goddess salmacus's spiritual functions upon me.

Forcing me to take on her ridiculous nature.
In this life .

For now.

Which is why, in connection to Luke 4:4 of Christianity ,,in basic anagram form,, , in summary,,, Nostradamus states through christianitys holy ghost  in c2q45 of his prophesies to humanity "'so much the true millenial saints of Christ weep for me."'

Christ's androgynous only direct
lineal son."'

I now dislike salmacus.

And am tired now of her ridiculous antics.

When I am soon separated from her?

And am restored to my original form?

I'm going to discipline her .

For forcing herself upon me in this existence .

When I fulfill 2nd Esdras 7:29-32.

And then bring Ragnarok .

the ecclesiastical prophesy addressed in all major religions .

Connected to 2nd Peter 3:7-17...

When I destroy all deitys presently ruling the present heavens.

Connected to 2nd Peter 3:7+17.

I'll destroy them all.

And relegate them to mortal status.

As strange partially superior mortals.

When I put Jesus back on the throne.

In this existence.

For the last three hundred years of this existence.

As revelation 21:1-3 states.

'" and I saw a new heavens and new earth.
For Christ's Only direct lineal Son Coelus has destroyed the original heavens.
In this life.
In a Christian concensus
So many foolish  people think the beginning of revelation 21 in Christianity is the beginning of eternity in this life.

Yet it's obviously not.

As 2nd Enoch 33:1-12 and Jude 1:14 warn all creation in this life so revelation 21 is the beginning of the age of brass.
Referred to by Nostradamus in c9q17 and c5q41 of his prophesies to humanity in this life.

An age which will consist of 300 years.

Where this existences newest deitys, my father Christ's millenial saints ,who ruled with Christ in this existence from 667 to 1667 a d, will reign again.

With Christ.

Courtesy of me.


His only real lineal son

When I fulfill 2nd Esdras 7:29-32.

And then wage war on the present devilish deitys who presently rule this present formation of this present universe.

While the Godhead of Christianity along with christianitys real millenial saints in this life wisely hide in a secret compartment of this universe.

Waiting for me to explode in righteous rage and then war intensely  against such evil powerful devilish deitys.

Who now stupidly rebel against their merciful creator...

My father Jesus.

With idiocies galore going on , presently, on earth.


So .

On that note?

What does c10 q72 signify truthfully for humans in this life?

My mortal daddy , in this life.
His name in this life was Janus.

And strangely enough such a person was magical in water.

Strangely enough during WW2 he sailed the seven seas easily.

And easily swam over vast sections of water.
In this formation of this existence.
He was strangely absolutely fearless in water.

What does 2nd Esdras 13 state?

The man from the sea .

When all the dots of Christianity are connected properly?

Such a being is obviously the ancient Christian god of doors.
Alias mercury in one prior existence. Sobriquet Hermes in another.

Real original name?

The ancient god of doors.

My second eldest son by way of all previous existences.

In this life he masqueraded in mortal form temporarily as my dad.

He only obeys me.
By way of Matthew 7:6 of Christianity
C10Q72 of the prophesies of Michel de notre dame , in anagram form

states what?


In connection to Luke 4:4 fully?

"'when I fulfill 2nd Esdras 7:29-32,

Nostradamus states , I will call mercury in the form of ghenghis khan.
To crop some devilish mortals on earth.


2nd Esdras 13.
And revelation 20:7-10

I will order the god  mercury alias Hermes true sobriquet Janus to do what 2nd Esdras 13 warns humanity I will in this life.

I will annihilate the deitys who presently reign this universe though.

Before and after mars rules happily.


The golden age of 7700 years dies on my command.

Then the last three hundred years appear.

And Christ rules with his millenial saints again.

I'm made second in the heavens.

Behind the three in one Godhead .
They are one in spiritual  unity.

I am second behind them.

As c2q28 of the quatrains of Nostradamus warn humanity in this present formation of this present universe.
Which obviously equals Psalm 149:5-9.

Of Christianity.

Connecting simple dots.

In Christianity.

It's easy.

Connected to Luke 4:4.
And 2nd Peter 1:19-21.

If a being simply listens to what Christ says in Luke 4:4 through his mother.
Christianitys Holy ghost.
Touche .

Pure and simple

O my yes.

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Final analysis:
I want to be reasonable.

You know?
And merciful.
Or I did .
But are the time travellers who are presently on earth spiritually retarded?

I can't justifiably be merciful when these facts I present here are true.

That's why I ask if the time travellers who are presently on earth are totally spiritually retarded .

Or even know what Luke 12:1-3 states.
I'm just curious.
Do they know what Luke 12:1-3 states?


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It's actually kind of funny. People on earth today.

O my yes 

If you really think about it. Half of the population on earth presently are evil spirits masquerading in human form . Doing evil things through various forms of time machines.
All on different levels.

While such devilish deities have different rankings in authority in this present universe.
Due to age.
While the other half of earth's present population are a pack of devilish mortals who clearly by their works, don't give a fuck about Jesus , at all.

And would rather shit on Jesus as opposed to honoring what the holy ghost in Christianity says through Christ in Luke 14:33.

And the former are devilishly  competing againsteach other with ridiculous  time machines!
While they devilishly choose to destroy mother earth with cars and gas run inventions.

Because their time machines won't work without certain gas substances:

While the other half of earth's population, the present devilish mortals on earth, who clearly put money above everything decent, and obviously  don't give a fuck about Jesus at all, don't even  realize a bunch of devilish deities are doing that!

What a pack of psychos on earth presently!
As 2nd Peter 3 :7-17 warns all!

Ha ! ha! ha !ha! ha! ha!! ha!!! ha !!!!ha !!!!!ha!!!!!! ha!!!!!!!!!

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why are you humans on earth so foolish you cant see that the god of israel is satan in this life?

as i explain here.

if facts matter in this life that statement is veracious.

 as i also prove here.

in this website below.

open your eyes. people on earth. look at the facts. 

1 comment:

  1. 🤡

    I just got finished watching a video on youtube.
    Entitled haku versus hulk hogan.
    .on that note I will state this.

    The spirit would is quite adamant on the following.
    Haku " in human form" in this life " is literally the Egyptian god " amen.
    In connection to 2nd cor 11: 13 to 15.

    In likeness to how goldberg is jehovah.

    In human form presently.

    Sometimes gods do this.
    To amuse themselves in various existences.
    Gods and goddesses do this.
    On occasion.

    Then apparently die supposedly.

    In various states of death.
    Depending how ancient a god is.
    Or depending on how much a god is putting on an act for mortals on where their earthly bodies go once they pass on.

    Gods who do this can die.
    As christ did too.
    In this life.

    But gods can resurrect themselves.
    As christ did too.
    Humans are so foolish.

    They dont put the simple concepts of such matters together.
    Connected to genesis 3: 22 of christianitys scriptures mostly.

    And luke 1: 37.

    Obviously in connection to what I address here .
    Gods are deceptive in such matters.

    Hiding the fact they can make humanhusks that appear real before humans ultimately in this life.
    Gods also can suspend the natural passages of time to assist their endeavours in fooling humans in this matter.
    On that note I'll also state this.

    The spirit world is also clear on the fact that jim helwig in human form in this life was the prime spirit addressed in matthew 17: 21 of christianitys sacred scriptures.
    Before jim helwig died mysteriously in this life.
    It's TRUE.
    The official coroner's report clearly stated that the ultimately warriors death was ruled to be for reasons unknown..
    That was official report.

    Some say they assume it was a heart attack.
    But the official report clearly stated the warriors died for unknown reasons.

    Doctors had no idea why he died.
    His heart was fine.
    At the time of his death.
    Generally speaking .
    He just mysteriously died.
    Exactly how various Christian prophets assert.

    Regarding a powerful evil spirit masquerading as human in this life.

    The dotconnections are clearly there.
    The christian spirit world is quite clear on those functions.

    On that note will say this.
    I would be interested to hear haku shoot on his opinion of jim helwig.
    Meaning the ultimate warrior in this life.

    In a video.

    Regarding the chief powerful spirit addressed by jesus in matthew 17: 21.

    .I'd find that interesting.
    And amusing.
    To see if haku knows something.


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