Wednesday, April 19, 2023

 Christianity teaches that Jesus Christ is a racist. In Matthew 15:24 and Matthew 10:6 and many other places in Christianity Christian scripture teaches humanity that Jesus favours Jewish people over other nations and people.

 Christianity also teaches that the Christian God 

is a racist.

Malachi 3;6 ,  the book of Hosea , plus basically the entire Old Testament of Christianity teaches that factual 


Same as Islam teaches its followers that it’s God favours the Arabian people of earth.

And the 

Same as buddhists teach their followers that their gods and goddesses generally favour Indian nations and cultures on earth over other people and nations.

Actually every religion  and it’s deity’s in fact do just  that in fact.


On that note?

Because every fact in this existence verifies that every deity in existence is a racist while every law on earth presently forbids racism 

Does that mean Jesus Christ and all deity’s from all religions are sinful quack jobs ?

While humans today who condemn racists are sinless glories?

That obviously means that humans today in this age consider themselves supreme over all deity’s of all walks of life in this existence.

You know what?
I feel a bout of sarcasm coming on here.
On that note.

By which factor, for the time being I am going to sarcastically call Jesus and all deity’s sinful presently for being obvious  racists according to every fact which pertains to this existence.

On that note?
Here’s this website writer writing sarcastically.
Watch "3 Stories of Horrific Hate Crimes" on YouTube
You know people of earth today.
I gotta tell you all.

Just for the sake of record.

I always wondered  why Jesus sinfully approves of racism in Matthew 15:24 and Matthew 10:6.

I also wonder why the pathetic unholy terrifying God Of Israel sinfully pathetically unrighteously approves of racism in Malachi 3:6,,, Roman’s 9:13,,,and many other scriptures of Christianity likewise.
Their are even words addressed in 2nd Peter 1:19-21 aligning psalm 139:21-22 which say that Jesus and the Holy God Of Israel passionately hate some human nations on earth.

So why does 1st cor 11:1 say imitate Jesus then?

Somethings strange about that.
Aligning Roman’s 2:9-10.

It must mean obey Christs laws or you will not receive life in Jesus.


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