Monday, July 8, 2024

Luke 12;1-3 says through Jesus that everything will be revealed at the end of time to all beings regarding the actions of everyone in this existence. And if humans wish to stop evil from being committed then humans on earth in this life are to expose all evil to the best of their ability. According to Jesus Christ. So that’s what this blog website will do. Obey Jesus there. In connection to what Jesus says to all humanity in Luke 12:1-3. Let the reader be aware of that truthful statement here and now.


In connection to the following links attached here below so the following blog website appropriately summarizies all the true relevant facts of this existence properly with the assistance of videos and   images in words.

Images are attached to this site.
For rational reasons.
It's true.
To assist with the basic functions attached to the words of Jesus Christ located in Luke 12:1-3 of Christianity.
For secondary purposes.
This is an accurate and correct statement.
Yet to the reader, do note that it is the words of this site that matter most.
My suggestion?
On that note?
By pass addressing or checking the images when first reading this site.
If the reader is able.
And first just read the words attached to  this website.
That way the facts attached to this website will be easier for the readers of this site to psychologically address in an appropriate fashion.

As I also basically verify with facts in all the websites I have addressed to humanity in this life this far .

Including this one.

In connection to obviously 2nd Peter 1:19-21 and also  both c10q65 and likewise c3 q94 of the quatrains of a prophet humans call  Nostradamus in this life .

"For an introduction to this blog website """"""Watch- visiting -hours- at londonontario canadas enfamous highbury Hilton hotel ,,, on sweet blessed youtube! In this YouTube link attached immediately below.


 To the readers of this website.

This brief  precursor introduction to this blog website is neccacary to address.

And it relates to this.

The now closed abandoned st. Thomas psychiatric hospital:

Regarding this hospital? I was there too. 

You know?

When I was 16. In 1984.

Just for the sake of record?

 I admitted myself into there when I was 16  because my parents thought I was suicidal.

 So my parents wanted me to receive some counselling.

 Staff and police weirdly got my papers mixed up when I admitted myself in the summer of 1984 to this insane asylum and I was placed on a locked ward for completely deranged criminally insane adults permanently institutionalized for psychotically brutal and violent crimes.

I believe it’s referred to as a ward where adult criminally insane people are held on a lieutenant governors warrant. 

At least in Canada that’s what it’s called if I remember the proper court term correctly.

But anyways , now to continue with this story I’ll now say this.

Just for the record?

After they put me on such a ward?

 The first committed insane person I got to talk with after I was placed on such a crazed ward vehemently warned me he killed and ate his mother and father and all he wanted was to know how his tomatoes , which he had planted in the psychiatric hospital yard ,were. 

 The very next mental patient I spoke with told me she fantasized about the murders of male humans on earth continually. After meeting these two completely deranged humans?

 I requested to be released from being confined in this hospital . 

 Staff said , “‘ why? Don’t you like discussing murders with crazy people ?”’ I said ‘“ no.’” 

I don’t think that’s good counselling for a teenager whose suicidal.”’

So staff then said ‘“ well, we can’t release you yet from this deranged totally frightening insane asylum because you haven’t visited us for seven days. 

 The laws of Canada require that we torture you and sexually assault you in strange psychological ways for seven days. 

 That’s the law in Canada for anyone who admits themself into an insane asylum in this beautiful nation of Canada or rather North America. 

 Did you not know that?”’ They asked me.

 I told them I was unaware of such a law being institutionalized for people who admit themselves into North American insane asylums on suicide watches. 

 They said ,”’”””” well, now you know. 


Right?”’ So your just gonna have to stay in this ward with these completely dangerous homicidal maniac killers for seven days now. We know it’s our fault that your papers got mixed up in our computer systems . 

And we know we’ve personally made a mistake in psychotically placing a note harmless innocent teenager like yourself on a ward full of completely dangerous criminally psychotic psychopaths. 

 But hey, dems is the breaks.

 In life here on earth. In this existence. . Right? But hold on now.

 To be nice about this? It was our mistake in placing you here on a locked ward with criminally insane completely violent totally deranged killers. So we’ve decided to give you a choice here in this matter. 

 You can stay on this ward known as a governors warrant ward where complete psychopaths are held indefinitely for brutally crazed crimes they’ve committed against mankind in this life ,,,

 Or you can spend the next seven days locked completely naked in a small cage known as the dungeon room in this not quite yet enfamous hospital . 

 So now? What’s your choice? There? Young man? What do you want us to do?’” They asked me. 


 So I said to them, “‘ well, you know, I don’t really feel like hanging out with these insanely deranged killers right?

 So what’s the second option? 

 I either stay with these killers continually and sleep with them too, for seven straight days? 

 Or stay in a dungeon in this hospital naked?

 Where female nurses will feed me chicken?

 For meals?’” And eye my penis and buttocks night and day? For seven straight days? You say? Hmmnnn? 

 Let me see now? Yes. Let’s see now? What option should I choose? Hmmnn? 

 Well? You know? After thinking it over? 

Being a young teenager and all? And not wanting to be stabbed to death in my sleep by a clinically insane locked up psychopath? 

 I suppose I’ll choose

“‘“””””””””” option two. “”””””””””””?

 For now. Anyways.”’ 

 So that’s what I told staff at that hospital in 1984. And no sooner did I say that but I was immediately marched to a dungeon area of this hospital ,, stripped buck naked and then placed in a small room that basically was a small cage with three walls and bars in the front .

 Where I was confined completely naked for the next seven days.

 While female guards google eyed , fed me sweet tasty chicken. 

 For every meal. With a little wine. Too. And I suspect drugs mixed in side the wine I was served.  Buck naked. 

 Ooo did I mention there was no toilet. 

 And that I was required to 


in a hole? 

 And I had to beg guards to wipe my bum with toilet paper. When required. 

And they wanted me to tell them how many times I went poo while there.

Cool”’ I said. No problem.’”

 After seven days a doctor at that hospital came to talk to me and ask if I felt suicidal anymore. And he warned me that if I did feel suicidal anymore they’d probably keep me confined in such conditions at that hospital for at least another six months. 

 I said “‘woe nooo.  While female Boo boo guards watched me talk to this doctor.

 . I’m not suicidal anymore. 

I feel fine. Just fine”’

 I said to that doctor at that hospital. “‘

 wonderful!’” ! 

He said. Then we can release you back into society right away!’l Isn’t that good news ?”” He asked me. I said

 “‘ yes. That is good news. “

‘ okay. I’ll get the papers ready and these nurses will take you to the front of the building and give you your clothes.”’ “‘ okay?”’ 

 He said. “‘ I said , “‘ wonderful!”’

 Then they paraded  to another room and gave me my clothing and then set me free! 

 And ever since then I’ve believed that every staff member at that hospital  was and is completely insane..




 Note this.

 That actually happened. 

 You know? 

 That’s not a lie: 

I’m just telling you. 

That’s a true story.

And a lot of police officials and authority figures that work with police knew about it.



So ?

What do you want me to say?

Literally speaking?

To that?


That actually happened?

Which I know it did.

By the way.

So what literally is that?

You know?


Sounds like 2nd cor 11:13-15 and the functions of revelation 16:13-14 are heavily involved in those events.

I mean, seriously.

That happened.

What happens when you turn a psychopath into a therapist? | CBC News

Here below is a link for everyone to read regarding the superannuated now wonderously enfamous st.thomas psychiatric hospital.

Do you doubt what I say happened to me 
It happened.

You don't have to believe me":
But I know it happened.
I saw it with my own eyes.

Whether you believe me or not, I know what they did to me:

The people who worked at the old st. Thomas hospital were freaking crazy.

Yet somehow it got mostly hidden.

The only real answer to such earthly authorities being able to get away with that crazy shit?

It's  revelation 16:13-14 connects to what Nostradamus warns humans of this time period of in c7quatrains 70 to 77 of his prophesies to humanity in this life.

Regarding modern technology connected to 2nd cor 4:4; Luke 1:37; Genesis 3:22'" 2nd cor 11:13-15 and devilish deitys '" formerly faithful to Jesus, masquerading as mortals presently in human societies on earth.

And hiding the fact they are performing time travel through modern technology presently in this life:

In connection to Deuteronomy 29:29

A function of evil spirits that evil gods and goddesses are hiding from humans for the most part presently in this life"""

Regarding this time frame of this existence:

That would make sense:

When all the facts of such a situation are taken into proper perspective and evaluated properly: 
But whatever.

Yet anyways, 

If anyone reading this truly doubts my true words I address here?

Then click on this link to read some peculiar testaments regarding staff at the st Thomas psychiatric hospital at such a time and see some strange things".

Pure and simple:


On that note: 

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