Monday, August 19, 2024




Chris Jericho said once that , if anyone adult  is naked in front of a child then their irrefutably , without any doubt, a child molester:

So I quess that means arnold swarzennegger is a child molesting pedophile because Arnold was buck naked in front of various child actors in the movie terminator 2 judgment Day:


Who would have quessed that Arnold Schwarzenegger was a pedophile .

In that tv movie:

Good God yes!

O my!!

Oooo and I quess that would also mean that the great and holy Christian Jewish prophet Isiah is a child molesting pedophile too :

Because in connection to 2nd Peter 1:19-21''' Isiah 20:2-4 finds the Lord God of Israel and christianitys holy ghost ordering Isiah to go buck naked prophesying in public in this life for a while:

Just prophesying nude in front of everyone:

Including Jewish children.

Just another day in the holy life of Isiah the prophet;

Going stwrk naked in front of children while prophesying in the spirit of Christ and in the spirit of Christianitys all divine sinless holy ghost.

Which obviously means that Isiah the holy prophet of Christ was a complete pedophile in this life.

Because in connection to the divine holiness addressed in 2nd Peter 1:19-21 so'' if a prophet of the Lord

Jesus Christ and christianitys all divine holy ghost prophesies buck naked in front of children in this life then that obviously means that christianitys holy ghost is a pedophile.

As is Isiah.

Of course.


And since Christianity teaches all beings in this life that the triune three Godheads in Christianity are in complete union with each other on all issues in this life  obviously that means  the Father Son and Holy Ghost are all devilish pedophiles.

Because they ordered Isiah to go naked and prophesy vaticinally in front of human children in this life 

At various conjectures in time.

As obviously anybody who is naked at any time in front of children in this life is clearly irrefutably a pedophile.

There's no possible way someone whose naked before children in this life could be pure through Jesus and not a pedophile.

Heck, even Jesus was basically naked at his crucifixion and torturous death while little Jewish children were present.

So that obviously means that the Lord Jesus Christ was a pedophile in this life.



Of course that would mean Jesus is a pedophile.

Because Jesus was naked when the Jews stripped him and beat the fuck out of Christ and then crucified Jesus by nailing Christ to a fycking cross in this fucked up life.


So obviously that means Jesus was a pedophile.

Because he was naked at such a conjecture in time in this life.

And Chris Jericho ,,, who mortals can trust above Jesus,,in this life,, says to all beings that , if someone is naked before children in this life then, that, irrefutably means such a person is a crazed pedophile.

Jesus was naked at his crucifixion while little Jewish children cheered his nudity and death.


That obviously means Jesus was a pedophile in this life.


Because a sinless glorious being named Chris Jericho guarantees everyone in this life that, if someone is naked before children in this life then,, that obviously means, their a fucked up pedophile.




Call a spade a spade on that note.


Well done.




Excellent logic.

Mr Chris Jericho.

Just as Psalm 51:10 , and Isiah 20:2-4 also state.


What does Psalm 51:10 connected to Isiah 20:2-4 tell humans?

In this life?

Those scriptures say this.

All sarcasm put aside ?

They state this.

If your heart is clean?

It doesn't matter if you have clothes on.

Being naked doesn't make you a pedophile.


Get your facts straight.



It's what's in a humans  heart that clarifies the real reality behind that concept in this life.


Mr Jericho?

So do not lie on such a subject Mr Chris Jericho.


Ooo wait?

The Christian scriptures also state what?

They state that liars will fall eventually in this life.

Ooooo  wait now?


I quess I just proved something here.

On that note


I just proved in writing  that the

 walls or rather the lies of Chris Jericho have fallen in regards to this subject regarding such a subject or mqtter.

in this life.

Perfectly clear and perfectly simple.

Touche on that note.

Mr Jericho.

Pure and simple.

Ta ta and touche.

On that note.

Over and out.

Now I close this address by stating the following:

I absolutely hate to say this.

But this must be stated regardless on such a topic.

As a closing statement.

If anyone on earth is so utterly ridiculously vain that someone immediately idiotically automatically thinks "' '"pedophile " if someone on earth is naked?

Then in connection to Luke 6:31 of Christianity ?

that's absurd on their part.

Call a spade a spade .

Do not call a spade a banana.

That's clearly weird and scary on the part of anyone on earth.

If anyone on earth automatically thinks that?

If someone on earth happens to be temporarily naked and without clothes?

Then, in connection to Luke 6:31' and Matthew 7:12'" that probably is an indication such a person's heart ❤️ was never in the right place on such a matter to begin with..

And in connection to job 37:19?

Just for the appropriate sake of record?

Anybody in their right mind with a brain that operates above the level of a terrestrial ostrich could grasp that obvious truth.

And for the sake of clarifying obvious truths in this life?

I'll close this idiotic topic by saying this.

It is amazing that I even  had to put that in writing.

Regarding simple logic.

In this life.

Perfectly clear and perfectly simple.

If they think something that disgusting when the concept of  nakedness in a  human is present.

I suspect such a person is not operating on all cerebral cortex cylinders.

So to speak.

Leave it to this idiotic generation to force me to address such an idiotic  subject.


And clarify such obvious facts though.

In connection to 2nd Peter 3 of Christianity.

I assume.

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